Dear users,
Based on the poor liquidity of XVG/BTC, Pionex has delisted XVG/BTC trading pair and will list XVG/USDT trading pair.
Please note
All placed orders and bots will be automatically canceled when the pair is delisted, and tokens held by bots will be retained. Users who possess XVG can trade with XVG/USDT trading pair.
Risk warning
Trading in the crypto market carries a substantial risk and the possibility of making both significant profits and losses. Please trade cautiously. Though Pionex will make its best efforts to choose high-quality assets, Pionex could not assure any profit and will not be responsible for your trading loss.
If you encounter any problems, you can contact us at the online customer service portal of Pionex's Web or App. Thank you for your continued support of Pionex.
Thanks for your support!
Pionex Team
Sep. 19th, 2022
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