Dear users,
Pionex has terminated the trading of USDT/HUSD and has closed the deposits and withdrawals for HUSD. Pionex will take snapshots of users' HUSD balance and HUSD will be converted to USDT assets at a 1:1 ratio. We will publish another announcement to notify users of the completion of the conversion, which is expected to occur before November 7th, 2022 (GMT+8).
Please notice:
- Any HUSD deposits will not be credited after the termination of HUSD deposits and withdrawals.
- Pionex will delist the trading pair of USDT/HUSD at 06:00 on October 28th, 2022(UTC). The robot orders and manual orders of the corresponding trading pair will be canceled.
- Pionex has closed the deposits and withdrawals for HUSD. Pionex will take snapshots of users' HUSD balance and HUSD will be converted to USDT assets at a 1:1 ratio, based on the snapshot time at 05:20 on October 28th, 2022(UTC) (the termination time of HUSD deposits and withdrawals).
Risk warning:
Trading in the crypto market carries a substantial risk and the possibility of making both significant profits and losses. Please trade cautiously. Though Pionex will make its best efforts to choose high-quality assets, Pionex could not assure any profit and will not be responsible for your trading loss.
Thanks for your support!
Pionex Team
Oct 28th, 2022
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