Dear users,
Pionex has launched USDT-M PEPE perpetual contracts with up to 20x leverage.
More details about the USDT-M perpetual:
USDT-M perpetual | PEPEUSDT |
Underlying Asset | PEPE |
Settlement Asset | USDT |
Max Leverage | 20X |
Please note:
- Based on market risk conditions, Pionex may adjust the specifications of the contracts from time to time, which include the maximum leverage, initial margin, and maintenance margin requirements.
Risk Warning:
There are considerable risks in digital currency transactions; please purchase carefully and pay attention to transaction risks. Pionex will select high-quality currencies but will not be responsible for guarantee, compensation, etc., for any of your transactions.
If you encounter any problems, please get in touch with our customer service in time through the online customer service portal on the WEB or APP side. I appreciate your support of Pionex all the time!
Pionex team
May 6th, 2023
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