🧡Too Good To Miss🧡
Enjoy buying crypto with 0% credit card fees during the special offer period🔥
If you buy at least $500 USDT, you will earn another 5 USDT as a reward!💸
Activity Period: 2022-03-15 16:00 to 2022-03-18 15:59 (UTC)
👉Enjoy 0% Credit Card Fees Now!👈
📌Terms & Conditions
- Users must complete LV.2 Identity Verification
- Each user can receive a 5 USDT bonus only once.
- Pionex reserves the right of final interpretation of the rules of this promotion, and reserves the right to cancel or modify any promotion or promotion rules at its sole discretion at any time and for any reasons without prior notice.
- Users are advised that Pionex is not responsible for your trading losses.
- Rewards will be issued and credited to the user’s account within 15 working days after the activity end.
- Simplex may ask for your ID documents to ensure the transaction is secured. We recommend you choose your passport as the document.
- While buying Crypto with 0% credit card fees during the activity period, an approximately 1% exchange fee will still be charged by the liquidity provider.
👉Enjoy 0% Credit Card Fees Now!👈
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