If your Pionex account shows some Total balance, but show the error that "Not enough balance" when creating a bot order. Please do ensure the following situation:
1. The order's Investment coin is not your holding coin
In the crypto market, trading pairs are built up with [Base Currency] / [Quote Currency]
e.g. BTC/USDT, USDT is the quote coin and also is the requirement coin you need to invest with.
ETH/BTC, BTC is the quote coin in this trading pair. (You can refer to the latter one's coin to distinguish Quote Currency.)
When you found that your holding coin is not enough, you can convert your holding coin by manual trade in the market.
Example USDT with BTC,
Web: Please click "Trade" on the upper left, select BTC/USDT trading pair, and click " Spot Manual". After then, choose "Sell" and input the amount you want to convert into USDT.
APP:"Trade" - "Spot", select the BTC/USDT trading pair and click "Sell" the amount you want to convert into USDT
Or you can use the [Swap] function to convert your coin immediately.
Web: Click "Trade" - "Swap" on the upper left, select the currency you hold at the top, select USDT at the bottom, and click "Swap" to quickly exchange.
APP: Click "Trade" - "Swap", select the currency you hold at the top, select USDT at the bottom, and click "Swap" to quickly exchange.
2. Coin's "Tradeable" amounts are not enough to create an order
This situation usually occurred when you were already using the assets to create bot orders or any transaction. Your assets will be temporarily frozen until released the profit or close the running order.
Or you may refer to [Why are my assets have been frozen/occupied], to check the Occupation status of your assets.
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