Dear users,
Pionex Arbitrage will delist BLZ Token, further details about this change are shown on the timeline below:
Pionex Arbitrage will delist BLZ Token, further details about this change are shown on the timeline below:
- Pionex will close BLZ Arbitrage orders before 08:00(UTC) on Aug 25, 2022;
- If you are worried about price fluctuations, it is recommended to close the related arbitrage orders in advance to avoid losses due to price fluctuations.
Risk warning
Trading in the crypto market carries a substantial risk and the possibility of making significant profits and losses. Please trade cautiously. Though Pionex will make its best efforts to choose high-quality assets, Pionex could not assure any profit and will not be responsible for your trading loss.
Trading in the crypto market carries a substantial risk and the possibility of making significant profits and losses. Please trade cautiously. Though Pionex will make its best efforts to choose high-quality assets, Pionex could not assure any profit and will not be responsible for your trading loss.
Thanks for your support!
Pionex Team
Aug 25, 2022
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