If you own cryptocurrency on another platform or wallet, you can transfer it to your Pionex account by following these steps:
Step 1: After logged in click [Pionex] - [More] - [Deposit & withdrawal] - [Deposit]
Step 2: Search for the cryptocurrency you wish to deposit, and select it.
Step 3: You’ll see the available networks based on the cryptocurrency you choose.
*Please select the network carefully and ensure it matches the network of the platform or wallet you are withdrawing funds from. If you select the wrong network, your funds may be lost and cannot be recovered.
Step 4: You can obtain the relevant deposit address for the network you chose by clicking the [Copy] button. Then, paste the copied address into the address field on the platform from which you intend to withdraw cryptocurrency.
Step 5: After the blockchain confirms the deposit request, your transfer will be processed. The confirmation time varies depending on the blockchain and its current network traffic.
Step 6: The deposit will be credited to your Primary Account by default, and you can check the deposit record on the Crypto Deposit History page.
1. Please deposit only supported cryptocurrencies using the supported networks listed on the cryptocurrencies that support deposits and withdrawals.
2. Each cryptocurrency has a minimum deposit amount, which depends on the cryptocurrency type and network. Any deposits below the minimum will not be credited or refunded. Please make sure to account for transaction fees before making a withdrawal from another platform or wallet.
3. For cryptocurrency deposits that require a memo or tag, please ensure you fill in this information correctly. You can find it in the deposit window. Depositing without a memo or tag, or using an incorrect memo or tag, may result in the deposit process not being completed smoothly. To potentially recover such assets, please get in touch with Pionex Support.
1. I deposited via the wrong chain, used the wrong currency, or my deposit has not arrived. Can I recover my funds?
After logging in, please go to the deposit history page as shown in Step 6 and click on the “Check the solutions” link. This will direct you to the "Self-service recovery" page. Then choose [Deposit the wrong chain, the currency has not arrived] - [Fill out the form to retrieve] and complete the form. After we receive your submission, we will contact you within 3 business days.
2. Deposited to the old wallet address. Can I recover my funds?
After logging in, please go to the deposit history page as shown in Step 6 and click on the “Check the solutions” link. This will direct you to the "Self-service recovery" page. Then choose [Deposit to the old wallet address] - [Deposit to the old wallet address] - [Retrieve Now] to complete the process.
3. Deposited funds that were not credited, but this does not fall under the previously mentioned situations. Can I recover my funds?
To potentially recover your deposited assets, please get in touch with Pionex Support.
4. What is a contract address, and can I deposit funds to it?
Since different cryptocurrencies can have similar names or tickers, Pionex provides the contract address that uniquely identifies each token, preventing confusion and ensuring that the correct token is deposited. However, please note that users should only deposit cryptocurrencies to the specific wallet address explained in Step 4.
*Depositing cryptocurrencies to the contract address may result in asset losses and cannot be recovered.
5. Can I deposit money to Pionex through any address or platform?
If your funds come from gambling or fraudulent platforms, your deposit will undergo an extended risk control review. Do not deposit funds to Pionex from sanctioned or high-risk entities, as this may result in restrictions on your account. If your deposit is under review, please complete the form for manual verification:
- Go to [Pionex] -> [More] -> [Deposit]. Tap the clock icon in the top right, find your deposit record, and click [Please submit additional information].
Part of high-risk/sanctioned entities and cryptocurrency exchanges, and part of entities and cryptocurrency exchanges in sanctioned regions: Huione pay(汇旺)、Tornado Cash、Garantex、Suex、Nobitex and AbanTether.
This is public information and will be updated periodically. Please refer to the crypto deposit page for the most up-to-date information.
Please get in touch with Pionex Support if you have any other questions.
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