If you're having trouble logging into your Pionex account, here are some reasons that might be causing the issue:
Incorrect Account:
- If you have multiple Pionex accounts registered with different phone numbers or emails, make sure you're entering the correct account information.
Incorrect Password:
- Double-check the caps and spaces in your password. (Click the eye icon can check the password you input)
- If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking on "Forgot Password." Tutorial
- If you've failed to sign in five times in a row due to either a wrong 2FA code or an incorrect password, your account will be locked for 30 minutes for security reasons.
How to solve Google 2FA error
Network Environment:
- If you're having trouble with network connectivity, try refreshing your browser or logging in using incognito mode on Google Chrome.
App Login Issues:
- If your APP is not the latest version, it may show that the account password is wrong when you log in. Please update your APP to the latest version.
- It is recommended to download APK or Testflight version with the below link.
- Download link: https://download.pionex.com/?lang=en-US
If none of the above solutions work, please contact us via live chat or email service@pionex.com with the account information you're trying to log into, and we will assist you to solve the issue.
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